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David Lynch Graduate School of Cinematic Arts

“Meditate and Create!”

- David Lynch
Consciousness-Based Film Education

David Lynch Graduate School of Cinematic Arts

“Meditate and Create!”

- David Lynch

David Lynch Graduate School of Cinematic Arts

Six ways we’re different

  1. Consciousness-Based℠ Education
    Dive into the ocean of pure consciousness – the source of all creativity
  2. “Big Fish” Process
    Take your idea from the initial sparkling moment of cognition all the way to completion.
  3. Midwest Creative Capital
    Join world-class artists, producers, entrepreneurs and philanthropists in a distraction-free, highly focused environment
  4. Visionary Filmmaking
    Realize your vision in silence and with clarity. Develop a project with impact
  5. Collaborative Studio Atmosphere
    Team up in our friendly, low stress environment…a naturally collaborative atmosphere
  6. Real-World Experience
    Complete a professional-level project, uniquely qualifying you for industry opportunities