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PhD in Maharishi Vedic Scienceon-campus

What is Maharishi Vedic Science

Maharishi Vedic Science is the study of the unbounded, infinite field of consciousness lying at the basis of phenomenal existence and located within everyone as their own innermost Self. During the doctoral program, students will explore this field of intelligence both experientially – through daily practice of the Transcendental Meditation® technique and the TM-Sidhi® program – and by intellectual inquiry in classroom studies of the most advanced, most profound topics of Maharishi Vedic Science.

Develop core research skills

While expanding your knowledge of Maharishi Vedic Science and the nature of consciousness you will hone your understanding of scientific principles, methods, and applications. You will also integrate and utilize communication skills that allow you to share your research findings with fellow researchers and scholars.

Knowledge for global change

One of the goals of researching Maharishi Vedic Science is to find holistic and scientifically validated methods for improving the experience of life; whether it’s at the individual, societal, or governmental level. In this program you will research topics such as current issues in governmental administration, finance and industry, economic inequities, education, and health; then develop proposed improvements and solutions.


After the first year of class, you’ll specialize in one of five tracks:

    In the Reading Vedic Literature Track you will spend approximately two and a half years reading Vedic Literature in Sanskrit and experiencing the profound personal development that accompanies this research. Then, you will write a dissertation that describes the results of your research in the Vedic Literature.
    In the Application of Maharishi Vedic Science track you will apply a specific technology of Maharishi Vedic Science to a particular area of society and then document any changes that may occur.
    In the Modern Science and Maharishi Vedic Science track you will write a theoretical paper describing principles from an academic discipline and how those principles compare to principles described in Maharishi Vedic Science.
    In the Higher States of Consciousness track you will document higher states of consciousness through physiological and psychological research or, alternatively, give a theoretical account of higher states of consciousness as described in historical or religious literature.
    In the Exploration of the Principles of Maharishi Vedic Science in the Vedic Literature track you will explore different branches of the Vedic literature in detail.

Get started by contacting Jess

Jess Nohle, admissions counselorJess Nohle is this program’s admissions counselor for US students. Jess will provide you with all the details of becoming a student, including connecting you with the program director or faculty.

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International applicants may connect with us through our international inquiry form.

Courses may include

    The core curriculum consists of 40 credits selected by the faculty from the following courses:

      In this graduate-level course students examine the foundational principles of Maharishi Vedic Science. Careful consideration is given to the logic and structure of Maharishi’s lectures and writings. (2 credits)
      This course sharpens the students’ skill to judge the validity of a thesis or judgment on the basis of logic, reliable evidence, ethical values, and openness to alternative assumptions and points of view. (2 credits)
      This course reviews scholarly writing skills as a preparation for PhD course work in Maharishi Vedic Science. The goal of the course is to develop your motivation to engage in and take responsibility for continual improvement of your writing so you become a resourceful writer and powerful exponent of Maharishi Vedic Science. Writing for your own learning as well as to inspire and motivate others is discussed. The course includes evaluating resources, surveying and annotating primary and secondary source texts, writing critically, and referencing, as well as exploring the fundamentals of structure, use of style guides, and how to avoid plagiarism. (6 credits)
      In this course, students study later chapters (after Chapter 6) in Maharishi’s commentary on the Bhagavad-Gita. These chapters explore the fundamentals of creation, the nature of Unity underlying diversity and the link connecting Unity with the diversity of creation. (4 credits
      In this seminar, students study and evaluate the main contemporary approaches to the principles, methods, and applications of modern science and discuss the contributions of Maharishi Vedic Science to solving outstanding issues in philosophy of science. They then apply the integrated standards of Maharishi Vedic Science and modern science to the main avenues of research on the technologies of Maharishi Vedic Science, including those in which they will be doing their dissertation research projects. They also practice communicating these outcomes in a manner that would be comprehensible to scholars at any university in the world. (4 credits)
      Students survey basic approaches to research such as quantitative, qualitative, historical, clinical, and philosophical methods of analysis. Topics include: logical and practical considerations in experimental design and measurement, writing literature reviews, and 2016/17 184 selecting research topics, as well as research ethics and such non-experimental methods as computer simulation, textual analysis, and survey research. (4 credits
      In this course, students read texts of Vedic literature for the sound value, enjoying the benefits in consciousness and in physiology. Texts include the Bhagavad-Gita, Ramayana, and selected Upanishads. (variable credits — may be repeated for credit, subject to satisfactory progress in the previous course and a clear plan for the progression of learning in the subsequent course) (2 credits)
      In this course, students explore through subjective and objective means of gaining knowledge Raja Raam’s connections between the structuring dynamics of the Vedic literature and the human physiology. This course gives students the reality that they are cosmic and leads to an increasingly refined understanding and experience of the ultimate nature of reality. (4 credits)
      In this course, students study Maharishi’s insights into the forty branches of the Veda and Vedic literature. Students view videotapes that Maharishi has made on the Vedic literature, including the Veda, Vedanga, Upanga, Upaveda, Brahmana, and Pratishakhya. Special emphasis is given to Vedanta. Students learn many of the Vedic Expressions that Maharishi has taught from the Vedic literature, and they read the Vedic literature in Sanskrit, creating profound brain coherence. (2 credits)
      In this course, students learn how to create professional presentations and structure lectures that effectively demonstrate the applied value of Maharishi Vedic Science to solve individual, national and global problems. Students will create presentations that will include research on current issues in governmental administration; finance and industry; economic inequities; education; physical, mental and societal health; crime and rehabilitation; agriculture; city planning; science and technology; homeland security; ethnic and religious tensions; international relations and the need for permanent world peace. (4 credits)
      This course provides the time necessary to prepare for the qualifying examination, which demonstrates research competence. It may be in the form of a research proposal, or in 2016/17 187 another form at the discretion of the program faculty. Prerequisite: successful completion of the core curriculum (6 credits)

    Upon successful completion of this core curriculum, students are advanced to candidate status and begin work in their dissertation proposal.

      (variable credits)
      Having passed to doctoral candidacy, students prepare a proposal for a doctoral dissertation for acceptance by their major professor and dissertation guidance committee. (12 credits)

    Upon successful completion of these courses, which culminates with the defense of their written proposal, students advance to the PhD researcher status and then enroll in:

      Students conduct original research and prepare their dissertations during their third and fourth years in the program. (8 credits per semester — may be repeated for credit, subject to satisfactory progress in the previous course and a clear plan for the progression of learning in the subsequent course) Prerequisites: approval of the dissertation proposal and consent of the dissertation committee

The PhD degree is awarded to a PhD researcher once the following steps have been completed:

  • Presentation of the dissertation findings in a formal lecture with an open public forum for discussion
  • Acceptance of dissertation by the Graduate School and the Library
  • Certification by the graduate faculty of the student’s continuing exemplification of the highest standards of holistic development.

To graduate, students must also satisfy the general requirements for a PhD

Featured faculty


William Sands


Dr. Sands is Dean of the College of Maharishi Vedic Science and Professor of Maharishi Vedic Science. He earned an MA and PhD from Maharishi International University, an MSCI from Maharishi European Research University, and a BSBA from Georgetown University.

He is the author of five books:

He has also published a number of articles, including:

All Department Faculty

Entrance requirements

Students applying for the PhD in Maharishi Vedic Science must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Hold an MA in Maharishi Vedic Science or an MA in Consciousness and Human Potential
  2. Practice the TM-Sidhi program, which accelerates the personal growth gained from the Transcendental Meditation technique
  3. Be able to smoothly read Sanskrit
  4. Complete a PhD application essay
  5. Interview with the MVS PhD faculty and consent of faculty

Cost & Aid, 2024-25

US On-Campus PhD

PhD entry-level lasts one to two years. After passing comprehensive exams, the PhD Candidate may be eligible to apply for a teaching position that provides a waiver of tuition while working on the dissertation proposal. After the proposal is approved, the PhD Researcher with a teaching position would continue to have a waiver of tuition. The tuition listed here is for one academic year (two semesters) at the current year rate, subject to change in future years.

Annual Tuition
Entry Level$10,800
Candidate Level$10,000
Researcher Level$6,000
Additional Costs
Housing, meals, books, and personal expenses$14,000
Federal student loans are available for tuition as well as for the $14,000 for housing, meals, books, and personal expenses.

Tuition, other fees, scholarships, and financial policies are subject to change prior to the entry date. For more information, contact us at for a quick reply — normally one business day — or see more about financial aid.

Internatonal On-Campus PhD

PhD entry level lasts one to two years. After passing comprehensive exams, the PhD Candidate may be eligible to apply for a teaching position that provides a waiver of tuition while working on the dissertation proposal. After the proposal is approved, the PhD Researcher with a teaching position would continue to have a waiver of tuition. The tuition listed here is for one academic year (two semesters) at the current year rate, subject to change in future years.

Annual Tuition
Entry Level$10,800
Candidate Level$10,000
Researcher Level$6,000
Additional Costs
Housing and Meals$7,400
Health Insurance (estimate)$1,992
Personal expenses, books, unexpected needs (estimate)$3,500

Tuition, other fees, scholarships, and financial policies are subject to change prior to the entry date.

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