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About MIU: Mission and Core Values

Founding Goals

  • To develop the full potential of the individual
  • To realize the highest ideal of education
  • To improve governmental achievements
  • To solve the age-old problem of crime and all behavior that brings unhappiness to our world family
  • To bring fulfillment to the economic aspirations of individuals and society
  • To maximize the intelligent use of the environment
  • To achieve the spiritual goals of humanity in this generation

Mission statement

At Maharishi International University, we recognize that everyone has an infinite field of creativity, intelligence, and happiness within. Our mission is to help students awaken this field in their everyday experience, enriching all aspects of their lives.

We expand the traditional scope of education to nurture the whole person: consciousness, mind, body, and relationships. We welcome students who want to develop their full potential through a holistic education that integrates the growth of consciousness with cutting-edge knowledge and invaluable career skills.

We call this Consciousness-BasedSM education.

Consciousness-Based education combines daily practice of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi with an approach to learning grounded in deep, universal principles of life — principles rooted in the world’s most ancient and venerable knowledge traditions, now verified by the latest scientific breakthroughs.

The TM technique enables students to optimize brain functioning and grow demonstrably in intelligence, creativity, learning ability, and overall well-being — the foundation for personal fulfillment and professional success.

We offer innovative academic programs that emphasize experiential learning and core skills that will serve students throughout their lives, no matter where their journey takes them.

Our professors are dedicated to helping students achieve their goals and to continuously improving teaching and learning. Through their scholarship and creative work, faculty expand and apply profound knowledge of both consciousness and their academic disciplines.

In every course, students experience how all fields of knowledge are interconnected and emerge from consciousness, their own Self. This enables students to understand knowledge deeply, feel at home with every subject, and become genuinely excited about learning and about developing the full potential of their own consciousness.

Our students thrive in an inclusive, mutually supportive community that welcomes people from all belief systems and walks of life — a community where everyone is committed to personal growth, raising the quality of collective consciousness, and addressing urgent societal needs to change the world for the better.

Core values

Our Core Values at Maharishi International University express key principles that inform, guide, and serve as touchpoints for our educational and management practices and our campus culture.

  1. Development of consciousness – We are committed to developing our full potential – intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual – through the application of proven technologies of consciousness, including the Transcendental Meditation technique and its advanced programs. We are further committed to serving society through group practice of these technologies, scientifically demonstrated to promote positive trends and reduce negative trends in society. Finally, we are committed to preserving our Founder’s unique and invaluable scientific knowledge of consciousness in its completeness and purity, generation after generation.
  2. Engaged learning – We promote engaged learning and intellectual inquiry and growth within a framework of Essential Learning Outcomes, grounded in an approach that connects the parts of knowledge to the wholeness of knowledge and the wholeness of knowledge to the Self, so that whatever students may be studying, they always feel at home. We are committed to continuous improvement of student learning.
  3. Health and happiness – We value health and well-being, safety and enjoyment, positivity and fun.
  4. Inclusive and responsive community – We welcome and celebrate a rich diversity of cultures, backgrounds, identities, and values in a community that cultivates openness and togetherness, authenticity and respect, kindness and mutual support.
  5. A thriving world – We are dedicated to solving humanity’s pressing environmental and social challenges, with a vision of creating a world of peace and prosperity, compassion and justice, and harmony with nature.