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World Peace in the Light of Maharishi’s Total Knowledge

Maharishi’s Master Class on World Peace!

Maharishi examines education, health, agriculture, architecture, science and technology, and defense from the level of the ultimate structuring dynamics of the universe and perpetual peace.


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

“It’s a great joy to inaugurate this field of knowledge today, which will purify this generation and will always give rise to enlightened generations. Peace will be everywhere; prosperity will be everywhere; real pursuit to God realization will be everywhere; and the light of God will shine in every man — the light of God will shine everywhere.” —Maharishi

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Click here to view the recorded video of Lesson One.

Course Leader: Peter Warburton, PhD

Course Fee:

  • $125 general course fee
  • $75 discounted course fee for full-time students, TM organization staff & faculty, and low-income retirees.
  • Some countries might have a discounted course fee of $35 or $65. To find out about your country, please check the list in the sign-up form.

Prerequisites: The only requirement for taking the course is a keen interest in creating a new world of peace and harmony.

Learn about Part Two: Maharishi Addresses the Parliament of World Peace on Communication, Law, Art, Culture and Religion, Administration, and Economy. ► Click here to learn more and sign up for Part Two!

Course Description


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In February and March 2006, Maharishi offered an extraordinary and unique conference, called the Parliament of World Peace, in which he gave talks laying out the fundamentals of world peace from within twelve main areas of life.

We are fortunate that Dr. Peter Warburton will guide us through these very special talks, in which Maharishi presented his ultimate and supreme insights into each area from the level of Total Knowledge. The course will include Dr. Warburton’s usual delightful and engaging mix of Maharishi’s talks, comments and questions from course participants, charts, and exercises.

Here is a sample of Maharishi’s insights into the first six areas covered, which will be covered in this course:

  • Education: “Our desire is to bring the lost value of knowledge back to practical experience. The state of Being is not available on the level of thinking…. Individual brain physiology has the competence of functioning consciously on that level…”
  • Health: “When we think of health, we go to where it is completely expressed, and then we can pinpoint it, we can hold it, we can see it, we can hear it, we can touch it.”
  • Agriculture: “Agriculture is a devout study of the Transcendental Reality: Brahm. It is beyond space and time. The field and the crop—they do not seem to be beyond space and time, but they are in reality the subjectivity beyond space and time…”
  • Architecture: “We master Vedic Architecture from the field of Veda itself. And total Veda is available at the source of the stream of all knowledge of the Veda – ‘A.’”
  • Science and Technology: “Fulfillment of a desire is a very tiny thing from that level where the enormous diversity of creation is emerging. In any field where a man will work, he will fulfill his desire. And more than that, he can take the desire of someone else to be his desire, and he can fulfill that. This is Vedic Science and Technology.”
  • Invincible Defense: “The abstract will of Almighty God has been made concrete by that power which we call “almighty power,” and Invincible Defense belongs to this level of almighty power.”

This is the first part of a two-part course. In the second part, the areas discussed will be: trade, commerce, and communication; law and order; art and music; culture and religion; administration; and economy. A special certificate will be issued for those who complete both parts of the course, and will include 3 official Continuing Education credits.

Course Leader

Peter Warburton

Dr. Peter Warburton

Peter Warburton, PhD

Dr. Peter Warburton currently oversees the Transcendental Meditation® organization in several countries, including the UK, Bulgaria, UAE, and Zambia. He has a Master’s Degree in Social and Political Sciences from Cambridge University and a doctorate in Supreme Political Science from Maharishi University of World Peace.

Dr. Warburton worked closely with Maharishi, Founder of the Transcendental Meditation technique, for 36 years. Maharishi personally trained Dr. Warburton to offer courses in Total Knowledge, which present the full range of Maharishi’s knowledge in a delightful manner that requires no special prerequisite other than practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique.

In more normal times, Dr. Warburton travels extensively to teach Maharishi’s Total Knowledge in many parts of the globe. These courses are in great demand internationally – from Australasia, to Asia, Europe, and North America.

Reviews from Dr. Warburton’s Previous Course: Vedic Science in the Light of Maharishi’s Total Knowledge course

Five stars  “Inspiring & exhilarating knowledge.” —PN

Five stars  “A deeper dive into Maharishi’s Total Knowledge of Vedic Science, with beautiful tapes of Maharishi and pandit recitation of the Rk Veda that more deeply enliven Wakefulness through understanding.” —JL

Five stars  “Excellent introduction to knowledge, intelligence, and everything is possible by raising our awareness of Total Knowledge.” —MM

Five stars  “Moves me forward to enlightenment – so grateful for all of you so I can have this Knowledge.” —CW

Five stars  “I was at Maastricht for the live course. Seeing the tapes was wonderful (so were the discussions).” —Anon

Five stars  “This course stretches your mind to the limits. Pure positivity. Study of the Veda and Vedic Literature is study of one’s own Self. Consciousness is all that there is.” —JR

Five stars  “I could not say whether it is the content of Maharishi’s Total Knowledge course(s) presented by Raja Peter or the contentless silence of the group meditations at their conclusion that are most precious. Certainly it is the samhita of the two from which the magic of knowledge flows. I cherish the opportunity to join in the collective consciousness of this very blessed group of people – my much beloved family.” —Leon

Five stars  “This course allows one to understand the origin and meaning of Life.” —CC

Five stars  “Exploration and explanation of the mechanics of life and creation.” —LDL

Five stars  “If you’ve ever wondered how everything comes into being, how creation unfolds, where God is, where you are in the process, this is the course for you! Why so many seemingly diverse areas of the Veda? Where did it come from? How can I be sure it’s true? Tune in to this course for the answers! I love the group energy and the style of teaching. Thoroughly enjoyable!” —TL

Five stars  “In this course Maharishi expounds with great clarity and detail the process of the manifestation of the material world from the absolute ocean of Pure Consciousness which is the Veda and which resides within each of us. Raja Peter further enhances Maharishi’s knowledge by playing Vedic recitation in each session, with clarifying explanations of the knowledge, delightful stories, and by answering course participants’ questions. As the knowledge unfolds, so does the expansion of one’s own consciousness, with perceptible changes lesson by lesson. This course is a remarkable and wondrous experience! Don’t miss it!” —Penelope

Five stars  “It is a course in which to experience joy and bliss…” —RK

Five stars  “Wonderful to see Maharishi so obviously happy and fulfilled and radiating the truth of life with every single word.” —SL

Five stars  “This course is an in-depth study by MMY of the TM and TM/Sidhi practices. It really enhanced not only my intellectual understanding, but also my experiences in my practice.” —MEA

Five stars  “Maharishi’s Vedic Science in the Light of Total Knowledge Course is offered in an ideal format that supports individual and group participation. Select lectures present Marahishi’s Vedic Science in various perspectives that enliven and satisfy the intellect.” —DE

Five stars  “Maharishi is at the top of his form. He had the course incredibly well structured and he speaks with clarity, authority, and enthusiasm. The depth of the knowledge presented is incredible.” —SF

Five stars  “It is so much about the core of my Being and the nature of reality, that I prioritize it over everything else.” —Anon

Five stars  “This course is like the spinal column of Maharishi’s teaching. I think no one should miss it! Maharishi must have cultured Raja Peter for those 36 years for our benefit! The result is that we are guided through the investigation of Maharishi’s Total Knowledge from so many different angles in different courses, but all with the same steady hand and twinkling bliss.” —VM

Five stars  “I finally understand that Time is Life. Our role is to just fully experience our Being, by realizing that we are It. This is It. Rishi, Devata, Chandas in my own person, and every where else. It just varies by degrees of one’s consciousness.” —LM

Five stars  “This course is wonderful way to learn about Maharishi’s understanding of Vedic wisdom, along with many course participants who have years of experience practicing TM and studying Vedic wisdom and who are devoted to deepening their understanding in order to help bring about peace and enlightenment in the world. …and with a teacher, Raja Peter Warburton, who has detailed understanding of Maharishi’s knowledge, who embodies the the teaching in his life and who helps course participants to understand and experience the wisdom of the Vedas in their own lives.” —PB

Five stars  “Please put more stars on the rating. This was an 100 on a scale of 5.” —CB

Five stars  “Perfect knowledge on all levels.” —RS

Five stars  “This course is literally enlightening. Maharishi imparts the most profound and precious knowledge in detail and depth, allowing us to know intellectually and experience directly that the Ved and its expressions are fluctuation of our own consciousness. Everyone on the course felt this same expansion, led by Raja Peter, our supreme teacher. We can’t wait for the next course!” —SH

Five stars  “This course is wonderful way to learn about Maharishi’s understanding of Vedic wisdom, along with many course participants who have years of experience practicing TM and studying Vedic wisdom and who are devoted to deepening their understanding in order to help bring about peace and enlightenment in the world. …and with a teacher, Raja Peter Warburton, who has detailed understanding of Maharishi’s knowledge, who embodies the the teaching in his life and who helps course participants to understand and experience the wisdom of the Vedas in their own lives.” —PB

Four stars  “Very important for gaining knowledge directly from Maharishi.” —AS

Four stars  “I have experienced an opening of the heart more fully.” —KD


Are there any prerequisites to take this course?
This is an advanced course for TM Teachers and graduates of the TM-Sidhi® course, plus those Meditators who have a familiarity and comfort with many of the terms and concepts used in Maharishi’s Total Knowledge.

How long are the videos available to view?
Videos are available to view for at least one year after signing up.

Where can I contact the organizer of this event with any questions?
Please email the Office of Continuing Education at Or you can call 641-919-0045 during office hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 am – noon and 1:00 – 4:00 pm (Central Time).

What is the refund policy?
We offer full refunds to anyone who requests them before starting the third class.

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