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Class Schedule: Online BA Students, 2023-24

The following is projected for the upcoming school year and is subject to change.

AG 580
Soil Ecology (Wenuganen)
4Jun 26Aug 17
MATH 130CCTS: Quantitative Reasoning (Chepiga)4Jun 26Aug 17
AG 235Food Forest Design & Development (Wilfley)2Jun 26Jul 20
AG 540AMedicinal Herbs Cultivation/Utilization (Sharma)2Jun 26Jul 20
FOR 103Fit for Life (Matthews)2Jun 26Jul 20
FOR 431Higher States of Consciousness (Geer)2Jun 26Jul 20
AG 540BMedicinal Herbs Processing/Extraction/QC (Sharma)2Jul 24Aug 17
PH 259Intro to MAV Pulse Assessment Technique in Residence (Stenberg)2Jul 24Aug 3
PH 431B FFMAV Wellness Consultant Practicum (Kalra)2Jul 24Aug 3
NumberTitle CreditsStartEnd
FOR 104Creating a Daily Routine of Deep Rest (Hester)1Aug 21Sep 1
FOR 105Who Am I? (Loiselle)1Aug 21Sep 1
FOR 221Mathematics: The Story of Infinity (Levitsky)1Aug 21Sep 1
FOR 230Lives of Great People (Weisman)1Aug 21Sep 1
FOR 243Creative Intelligence in Human Development (King)1Aug 21Sep 1
FOR 246Creative Intelligence in Business (Thompson)1Aug 21Sep 1
FOR 272The Art of Yoga (Beaufort)1Aug 21Sep 1
FOR 321*FULL* What is Wisdom? (Kouider)1Aug 21Sep 1
FOR 346Creative Intelligence in Leadership (Blank)1Aug 21Sep 1
FOR 403Consciousness, Creativity, and the Image (Nelson)1Aug 21Sep 1
PH 431 A1Maharishi AyurVeda Wellness Consultant Telehealth Practicum (Medeiros)1Aug 22Sep 1
PHYS 310Foundations of Physics and Consciousness (Hagelin)5Aug 21Oct 26
STC 108Exploring Consciousness (Collins)5Aug 21Oct 26
AAS 401Senior Project Applied Arts & Sciences (Beaufort)8Sep 4Dec 21
AG 200 *FULL* Introduction to Regenerative Organic Agriculture (Nelson)4Sep 4Oct 26
AG 342Explorations in Applied Ethnobotany (Eloheimo)4Sep 4Oct 26
BIO 265Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Olmstead)4Sep 4Oct 26
CANM 245Writing for the Screen (Leopold)4Sep 4Oct 26
CANM 313Documentary Filmmaking (Kouider)4Sep 4Oct 26
FA 141Art of the Self (Nelson)4Sep 4Oct 26
MGT 231Creative Entrepreneur 1 (Bruno)4Sep 4Oct 26
MVS 203Positive Psychology and Consciousness: An Introduction (Travis)4Sep 4Oct 26
MVS 302Dharma and Gita (MVS Faculty)4Sep 4Oct 26
PH 218Foundations of Life and Wellness Coaching (Durand)4Sep 4Oct 26
PH 258MAV Pulse Assessment Technique (Medeiros)4Sep 4Oct 26
PH 263Maharishi Yoga Asanas (Rivera)4Sep 4Oct 26
PH 318Life and Wellness Coaching Practicum II (Durand)4Sep 4Oct 26
PH 320MAV Healthy, Happy Mother and Baby (Mullins)4Sep 4Oct 26
PH 430MAV Wellness and Integrative Health Consultant Training (Medeiros)8Sep 4Dec 21
RL B202Ecocities, Design for an Urban Future (Stimson)4Sep 4Oct 26
RL W200Change Begins Within (Jones)4Sep 4Oct 26
AG 244Agriculture-Nutrition-Health Connection (Bedi)4Oct 30Dec 21
AG 320Soil Science & Applications (Nelson)4Oct 30Dec 21
BIO 266Human Anatomy and Physiology II (Olmstead)4Oct 30Dec 21
CANM 284Cinematography (Kouider)4Oct 30Dec 21
CANM 288Video Editing (Olivas)4Oct 30Dec 21
CANM 300Art of Story (Tanner)4Oct 30Dec 21
CANM 382Creative Studio II (Tanner)4Oct 30Dec 21
FA 2123-D Design (Daley)4Oct 30Dec 21
FOR 103Fit for Life (Matthews)2Oct 30Nov 22
MATH 166CCTS: Geometry for the Artist (Gorini)4Oct 30Dec 21
MGT 301Cross Cultural Communication (Thompson)4Oct 30Dec 21
MVS 102Sanskrit: The Language of Nature (Wegman)4Oct 30Dec 21
MVS 300Science of Being and Art of Living (Runkle)4Oct 30Dec 21
PH 101Physiology Is Consciousness (Hodak)4Oct 30Dec 21
PH 219Life and Wellness Coaching Practicum I (Durand)4Oct 30Dec 21
PH 230MAV Aromatherapy (Gentsch)4Oct 30Dec 21
PH 266MAV Approach to a Balanced Digestive System (Medeiros)4Oct 30Dec 21
PH 319Life and Wellness Coaching Practicum III (Durand)4Oct 30Dec 21
PH 412MAV Herbology (Sharma)4Oct 30Dec 21
RL F375The Invention of Agriculture (Faculty)4Oct 30Dec 21
WTG 191College Composition I (Faculty)4Oct 30Dec 21
WTG 192CCTS: College Composition II (Faculty)4Oct 30Dec 21
WTG 204Introduction to Poetry (Waller)4Oct 30Dec 21
AG 310New Farm Economics (Wilfley)2Nov 27Dec 21
AG 507Horticulture (McLaskey)2Nov 27Dec 21
AG 230Mycology & Organic Mushroom Farming (Wilfley)2Jan 15Feb 8
AG 508Certification, Processing, & Handling (Schaefer)2Jan 15Feb 8
CANM 254Principles of Graphic Design (Rincones)2Jan 15Feb 8
CANM 280Smartphone Filmmaking (Kimball)2Jan 15Feb 8
FOR 103Fit for Life (Matthews)2Jan 15Feb 8
FOR 431Higher States of Consciousness (Geer)2Jan 15Feb 8
FOR 433Women, Wisdom, and the World (Goldstein)2Jan 15Feb 8
MGT 333*FULL* Organizing and Managing a Wellness Practice (Weisman)2Jan 15Feb 8
MVS 305Relationships and Parenting (Dharma Parenting) (Loiselle)2Jan 15Feb 8
PH 420MYA MAV Approach to Yoga Asanas (Faculty)2Jan 15Feb 8
PH 426Becoming an Educator of MAV Knowledge (Faculty)2Jan 15Feb 8
PH 430MAV Wellness and Integrative Health Consultant Training (Medeiros)8Jan 15May 9
PH 431AMAV Consultant Telehealth Practicum (Kalra)2Jan 15Feb 8
RL P385Protest, Civil Disobedience & Revolution (Stimson)2Jan 15Feb 8
WTG 217Writing the Body (Waller)2Jan 15Feb 8
NumberTitleCreditsStart End
FOR 105Who Am I ? (Loiselle)1Feb 12Feb 23
FOR 106Neurohacking Learning Skills (Ishaya)1Feb 12Feb 23
FOR 151Sanskrit in Ayurveda (Runkle)1Feb 12Feb 23
FOR 208Little Writing, BIG PLAY (McCuin)1Feb 12Feb 23
FOR 221Mathematics: The Story of Infinity (Dow)1Feb 12Feb 23
FOR 246Creative Intelligence in Business  (Thompson)1Feb 12Feb 23
FOR 251Vedic Expressions (Faculty)1Feb 12Feb 23
FOR 273Vedic Wisdom in Art (Beaufort)1Feb 12Feb 23
FOR 300Catching the Big Fish (Kouider)1Feb 12Feb 23
FOR 346Creative Intelligence in Leadership (Blank)1Feb 12Feb 23
FOR 403Consciousness, Creativity, and the Image (Nelson)1Feb 12Feb 23
STC 108Exploring Consciousness (Collins)5Feb 12Apr 25
NumberTitleCreditsStart End
AAS 401Senior Project Applied Arts & Sciences (Beaufort)8Feb 26Jun 20
AG 224Animals on the Regenerative Farm (Buie)4Feb 26Apr 25
AG 325Crop Science & Applications (Nelson)4Feb 26Apr 25
BIO 265Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Olmstead)4Feb 26Apr 25
CANM 248Power of Imagination (Tanner)4Feb 26Apr 25
CANM 320Art of the Cut (Kouider)4Feb 26Apr 25
FA 221Understanding Color (Nelson)4Feb 26Apr 25
MATH 140CCTS: Math for Sustainable & Regenerative Living (Chepiga)4Feb 26Apr 25
MGT 200*FULL* Growing a Business (Weisman)4Feb 26Apr 25
MGT 231Creative Entrepreneur I (Bruno)4Feb 26Apr 25
MGT 481Internet Marketing (Sabermajidi)4Feb 26Apr 25
MVS 210Veda: Fabric of Consciousness (MVS Faculty)4Feb 26Apr 25
MVS 308Research Design and Methodology: Verifying a New Paradigm of Human Potential (MVS Faculty)4Feb 26Apr 25
PH 218Foundations of Life and Wellness Coaching (Durand)4Feb 26Apr 25
PH 230MAV Aromatherapy (Gentsch)4Feb 26Apr 25
PH 258MAV Pulse Assessment Technique (Medeiros)4Feb 26Apr 25
PH 263Maharishi Yoga Asanas (Faculty)4Feb 26Apr 25
PH 318Life and Wellness Coaching Practicum II (Durand)4Feb 26Apr 25
PH 418Life and Wellness Coaching Externship (Durand)2Feb 26Mar 21
PH 427MYA Refining Yoga Teaching Skills (Faculty)1Feb 26Mar 21
RL S300Thinking it Through (Jones)4Feb 26Apr 25
WTG 191College Composition I (Faculty)4Feb 26Apr 25
WTG 192CCTS: College Composition II (Faculty)4Feb 26Apr 25
WTG 308Culinary Writing (Waller)4Feb 26Apr 25
PH 419Life and Wellness Coaching Capstone Project (Durand)2Apr 1Apr 25
PH 423MYA Teacher Training Practicum III (in-residence) (Faculty)2Apr 1Apr 12
STC 108Exploring Consciousness (Collins)5Apr 1Jun 7
NumberTitle CreditsStartEnd
AG 250CCTS: Ecology (Johnson)4Apr 29Jun 20
AG 300Permaculture Design Certificate (Wilfley)4Apr 29Jun 20
AG 521Agroforestry (Hill)4Apr 29Jun 20
AG 560Agricultural Economics (Schachinger)4Apr 29Jun 20
AG 591Advanced Horticulture (Sharma Y.)4Apr 29Jun 20
BIO 266Human Anatomy and Physiology II (Olmstead)4Apr 29Jun 20
CANM 230Podcasting (Morehead Jr.)4Apr 29Jun 20
CANM 251Power of Social Media Marketing (Khare)4Apr 29Jun 20
FA 216Drawing For Beginners: The Art of Noticing (Bell)4Apr 29Jun 20
MATH 130CCTS: Quantitative Reasoning (Faculty)4Apr 29Jun 20
MGT 349Psychological Safety in Workplace (Huang)4Apr 29Jun 20
MVS 349Psychological Safety in Workplace (Huang)4Apr 29Jun 20
MVS 370Maharishi’s Yoga: Theory and Practice (Aoki)4Apr 29Jun 20
PH 101Physiology Is Consciousness (Hodak)4Apr 29Jun 20
PH 266MAV Approach to a Balanced Digestive System (Medeiros)4Apr 29Jun 20
PH 267Maharishi AyurVeda and Nature's Rhythms (Faculty)4Apr 29Jun 20
PH 219Life and Wellness Coaching Practicum I (Durand)4Apr 29Jun 20
PH 319Life and Wellness Coaching Practicum III (Durand)4Apr 29Jun 20
PH 320MAV Healthy, Happy Mother and Baby (Faculty)4Apr 29Jun 20
PH 412MAV Herbology (Sharma R.)4Apr 29Jun 20
PH 424MYA Specialization Capstone (Faculty)4Apr 29Jun 20
RL E208Survey of Green Technologies (Sharma)4Apr 29Jun 20
RL G315Permaculture Design Certification (Wilfley)4Apr 29Jun 20
WTG 371Writing to Publish (Waller)4Apr 29Jun 20
NumberTitle CreditsStartEnd
CANM 232Field Recording (Rabalais)2Apr 29May 23
FOR 103Fit for Life (Matthews)2Apr 29May 23
MGT 333Organizing and Managing a Wellness Practice (Weisman)2Apr 29May 23
PH 428Capstone for the Ayurveda Wellness Educator (Marroun)2Apr 29May 23
PH 431AMAV Consultant Telehealth Practicum (Medeiros)2May 13Jun 6
FOR 431Higher States of Consciousness (Geer)2May 27Jun 20
MGT 334Strategic Marketing for Your Wellness Practice (Mohammed)2May 27Jun 20
FOR 104Creating a Daily Routine of Deep Rest (Hester)1Jun 10Jun 20
PH 431C1MAV Intro to Clinical Capstone (Faculty) 1Jun 10Jun 21

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