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Intermediate Sanskrit — Reciting the Ganesha Upanishad

Reciting the Ganesha Upanishad — Enlivening Veda and the Vedic Devata in Consciousness, Physiology, and the Environment through Speech

with Professor Keith Wegman

An online self-study course

View the free introductory Zoom session: Introductory Session/Lesson One >

Course Fee: (Includes course materials)

  • $95 general course fee
  • $65 discounted course fee for full-time students, full-time TM organization staff, and low-income retirees.
  • Some countries might have a discounted course fee of $35 or $65. To find out about your country, please check the list in the sign-up form.

Prerequisite: Introduction to Sanskrit and Reading the Vedic Literature Course or equivalent.

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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

“Reading the Vedic literature in sequence is the procedure to spontaneously train the brain physiology and the whole physiology of speech to function in the most orderly way, so that every thought, speech, and action is spontaneously promoted in the evolutionary direction of Natural Law, and thereby spontaneously enjoys full support of the evolutionary quality of intelligence that upholds order and evolution in the entire universe.”


Course Description

This online 12-lesson course presents an immersion into the Vedic sounds of the Ganesha Upanishad, through extensive listening and recitation.

The goal of this course is to enliven the evolutionary influence of this special set of Vedic sounds in consciousness, physiology, and the environment through speech. At the same time, course participants will improve both their fluidity, ease, and correct pronunciation of Sanskrit—establishing an increasingly competent foundation for recitation of the Vedic texts.

“Ganesha is the Devata to eliminate all obstacles — where any obstacles (exist) between Jiva and Brahm — if there are any obstacles that separate, from Jiva to its own potential, Brahm….from the very gross to all the subtle levels of the travel between the mixed-up world of diversity to pure Unity. From step to step. From complications to purity, elimination of complexities in order that we begin to enjoy our steadfast ambitions in the field of Brahm. All that exists between Atmã and Brahm, Ganesha clears the passage.”

—Maharishi, Shrĩ Ganeśh Chaturthi, September 15, 2007

About Professor Keith Wegman

Keith Wegman

Keith Wegman, PhD

Dr. Keith Wegman has taught numerous undergraduate and graduate level courses in Sanskrit and Maharishi Vedic Science and has researched and lectured in these subjects both nationally and internationally over the last 25 years. He is also a Certified Teacher of the Transcendental Meditation® technique and is the Director of TM® instruction at the Raj Ayurveda Health Spa.

Dr. Wegman received his PhD in Maharishi Vedic Science from Maharishi International University in 2004, his MA in Science of Creative Intelligence® from Maharishi International University in 1993, and BA in Philosophy/Art from St. Olaf College in 1991. He lives in Fairfield, Iowa, with his wife Sankari and two children, Jayanta and Uma.

Reviews from Previous Course with Professor Wegman

Five stars  “A wonderful course for the brain and blissful, too. Doing daily homework is an added bonus to the course’s liveliness.” —DD

Five stars  “Take it – no matter what your linguistic preferences- invaluable information. My good friend just received her Master’s degree in reading Vedic literature and she insisted that it would be worth it. I hope more intermediate level classes focused on readings will ensue!” —CS

Five stars  “If you do not already read Sanskrit, you should not miss these introductory courses. Do them!!! Professor Wegman is obviously in love with Vedic Sanskrit and shares that love and knowledge in every class, even while he is being carefully patient and nurturing to students at every level. He appreciates all of the students’ comments and questions and does his best to respond. He knows all kinds of things about words and meanings and Vedic literature, and one gets the impression he can’t wait to share them all.” —VM

Five stars  “Focus of this course is practice of reading Devanagari and correct pronounciation in a systematic manner.” —MF

Five stars  “Should take it, but should be initiated in TM first” —NB

Five stars  “This is the best course I’ve ever taken and continues to contribute to my spiritual experience and growth. Many thanks to Dr. Keith and those who made it possible.” —DC

Five stars  “This course gives deep insight into reading Devanagari and understanding the forty aspects of Vedic literature for the Sanskrit beginner. It is a comfortable and easy start for reading Sanskrit in Devanagari that everybody can manage. Reading Devanagari at the first look seems to be a little bit difficult – but even after only a few lessons turns out to be much more fulfilling than reading the roman transcripts. Dr. Wegman’s patient and well-timed didactics encourage and promote the intuitive understanding of Vedic expressions and texts. I really enjoyed every single lesson!” —JP

Five stars  “Appreciation for the monastic flow of the course which allows the unfolding of the Veda within.” —KD

Five stars  “This course is uniquely effective in teaching Sanskrit because it is grounded in Maharishi’s knowledge. Dr. Wegman is a careful, patient teacher whose lessons are always elegantly, clearly organized. He always makes sure that the class understands the lesson, and he always brings the learning of Sanskrit back to Maharishi’s knowledge. I am now very confident reading Devanagari and am making my way through Vedic texts on my own. I treasure the knowledge and learning in this course! It is a gift for life.” —JM

Five stars  “This course is so beautifully structured in sequential steps of experience of every swara, every sound and syllable and word, by hearing and reading, so that the student can effortlessly enjoy imbibing the language of the Vedic literature and quickly appreciate the hymn we were learning, the Maha Lakshmi Ashtakam. I felt that with every new letter and word, it was like receiving a mantra. And indeed, that is just what it is. And the effect is beautiful. Bravo, Dr. Keith Wegman. The course is beautifully designed and delivered. The discussion in the chat also reveals that several participants, including those of Indian heritage, have some knowledge of Sanskrit and its culture and generously share it. This also enriches the course, as do the questions that come up.” —AM

Five stars  “The course was most highly enjoyable. Prof. Wegman is a very engaging lecturer and tutor, and there was a very high degree of interaction from the students, who like me were just fascinated by what we were learning and experiencing.” —GG

Five stars  “Perfect, rich Sanskrit Course! Dr. Keith is such a wonderful teacher. Full of love, competence, wisdom for his subject, and he made an incredible – easy-to-understand course structure, systematically and full of knowledge. It gets never boring or difficult to follow thank you very much. I did enjoy! JAI GURU DEV” —DR

Five stars  “A perfect and easy way to learn Sanskrit. The basis of transformation into MMY’s experience and knowledge.” —JS

Five stars  “A very rich course with combination of listening to vedic recitation and fantastic tapes with Maharishi on the theme of phonology of creation, and speaking out, reciting a very special section of Padma Puran as well as transcending with group meditations. Taught in a very structured manner from an inspiring and very skilled teacher. Highly recommend it.” —YL

Five stars  “Excellent course! Looking forward to level 3” —KT

Five stars  “I read some Sanskrit while at MIU years ago and then on my own. While I got many benefits, I have never had such clear experiences like in this class. For the first time I clearly experienced the flavor of the text being read. I felt abundance and generosity and suddenly I started to get free stuff, found money I forgot I had, got money that was not expecting, etc. Mind blowing. I really enjoyed Dr Keith Wegman’s calm and soothing demeanor and patience. I look forward to more courses like this one.” —MC

Three stars  “Amazing tapes of Maharishi” —IG


Are there any prerequisites for taking the course?
Yes, Introduction to Sanskrit and Reading the Vedic Literature is the prerequisite.

How long are the videos available to view?
For one year after you’ve enrolled or after the lessons are available, whichever is longer.

Where can I contact the organizer of this event with any questions?
Please email the Office of Continuing Education at Or you can call 641-919-0045 during office hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 am – noon and 1:00 – 4:00 pm (Central Time).

What is the refund policy?
We offer a full refund to anyone who requests it before starting the third class.

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