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AB with Phil Town and Ruler coaches team Dec 2015

Dr. Andy Bargerstock with Phil Town and other coaches after a Rule 1 Seminar.

Over the past two years Dr. Andrew Bargerstock, Director of Maharishi International University’s MBA Program, has been working with Phil Town, a recognized hedge fund manager and author of the NY Times best seller Rule #1 Investing.  Town’s company, Rule 1 Investing (ruleoneinvesting.com), is based south of Atlanta in Moreland, GA.  The Rule 1 model portfolio was ranked #1 in 2014 by the American Association for Individual Investors (aaii.com) when it produced a 50% rate of return. In 2013, it produced a 47% rate of return.

Dr. Bargerstock has known Phil Town for 40 years and currently is part of the Rule 1 coaching team at live investment education workshops held monthly in Atlanta. In addition, Bargerstock teaches online webinars for Rule 1 and is faculty advisor for the MIU student investment club. Through the club activities and Dr. Bargerstock’s presentations, MIU students have the opportunity to learn about effective long-term investing using a methodology similar to Warren Buffett’s system. The goal of Rule 1 is to empower individual investors with the tools to manage their own portfolios using 15-20 minutes per week while earning at least 15% annualized rate of return.

Click here to see an example case study from Dr. Bargerstock’s investment club.